Friday, July 31, 2009

Ferret toys?

I'm a new ferret owner and I'm wondering if anyone can give me some ideas for fun ferret toys that I can make or find around the house?
They love anything! Give them cat-type toys. They love those cat houses that are tall and have lots of hiding places. They can have a ball with a couple of boxes with interesting holes cut in the sides to let them climb in and out. They love balls and little hammocks and hanging cat toys, little stuffed animals, toys with bells inside, treat balls, little motorized toys to chase and on and on and on. Try this link:
One caution though, they also like to bite. Especially bare toes. DO NOT let them get away with it even once. You should be able to find some training tips at the same site.
I always tell everyone about this one: A Ferret Scratch Box. They love it! All you need is a card-board box and something to fill it with, such as sand, rice, packing peanuts, ping pong balls, etc.

Cut a ferret size hole in each side of the box. Aim for about half way up the side of the box. Fill it with the goods. I like rice because its cheap to buy a large amount, it doesn't get stuck in their eyes and nose, and it actually absorbs some of the stinky oils off of the ferret. You can tape the top of the box shut if you like. Show your ferret in for the first time and he/she will go to town. It lets them get out the natural urge to dig so that hopefully they stop digging at your carpet! lol

Also...a lot of people don't know it but cat toys are great for ferrets! They especially like those feathery/furry mice as well. Just keep an eye out for chewing things apart. When they start to chew them up its time to throw them in the trash. How bout another ferret buddy? I always tell people when they buy a ferret to plan on getting two. It helps keep them happy and healthy mentally and physically. :) Good luck!
I have a friend with ferrets and they love crawling through tubes from paper towels or the longer ones from wrapping paper. No assembly required! They're very curious creatures.
When my son completed college, one acquisition he brought home was a ferret, Wakefield. As a toy, he has used the light practise golf balls with holes. Since they like to burrow, i placed a couple short lengths of 2" PVC drain pipe in his cage. Someday, I may try connecting with a 45 deg elbow to make his journey more adventurous.
When we let him run loose in the rec-room, he loves to chase the cat. We have had no major conflicts yet but do not leave them unattended. Before releasing, be sure to block any accesses to the inner walls. I am not sure how long a ferret would burrow through the walls before seeking food.
Wakefield enjoys burrowing through a crumpled bed blanket placed on the floor.
We also attached a small stuffed toy to a wooden dowel (24" long). When he is loose, we gently wave the stuffed toy along floor. Wakefield will "attack" the toy.
Have fun!
A box full of packing peanuts, they love it. Cat toys work great too!!
my ferret is weird he doesn't play with anything =/

except his food..

and the most playing that he does sleeping on my teddy bear lol

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