Friday, July 31, 2009

Ferret Or Kitten?

Hello there everyone!

Im in a bit of a dilemma! My girlfriend and I want to get a pet together. So we went to the RSPCA (like ASPCA for those from US)today, to pick out a new pet! Our landlord will only allow us to have one pet, anything other than a dog, so the problem is..

there were 2 litters of 9 ferrets! (there is only 1 boy left that is unreserved, he is ready to go in a month) and a little 6 week old ragdoll kitten (ready when he's 13 weeks old)

My girlfriend would like the ferret, and I would love the ragdoll!
i wouldnt mind a ferret, but id prefer a cat %26opposite for my gf!

she would like something interactive, 2play with and id like something cuddly!!
Ive had ragdolls before, and my girlfriend has had ferrets! we cant decide which to choose! we asked the lady at the shelter, and she wasnt helpful at all!lol
please could you guys tell me which you prefer and why, pros cons etc!
we've got a while before either will come home, so plenty of time to prepare!
hiya, i think a kitten is better as a family pet!
especially ragdolls! theyre so cuddly AND entertaining!!

you can get those claw cover things to put on his claws, even if he doesnt scratch, it will take away your gf's fears at least!
im guessing you live in the UK by that you went to the rspca, so take a look at this website for the claw covers!

ferrets are really cool too, but im not sure how good of a family-coupley pet it would make! a cat would be nice, they'll sit on your bed or your lap whilst watching TV.

obviously the kitten is too young to see its purrsonality (sorry!llol) but you could take her to a ragdoll breeder, and so she can see their temperament herself! and also, you could go to a ferret breeder. type "ferrets UK" in google, you'll get some websites!

and enjoy the new pet, whichever you decide to get!

if it were me i would prefer the are the reasons why well you can play with a kitten they a loyal they use a litterbox.ferets stink i nkow someone that had one and they got rid of it because i stunk up their housea kitten you can spay or neuter and get them declawed.
I will tell you from experience that cats make the better all around pet. Ferrets can be fun, but they do get upset and bite. I was at a friend's house and got bit while I was just sitting on their couch. The ferret was underneath and bit my foot.

Kittens are very interactive and playful and fun. They are hilarious to play with and watch, and can also be cuddly.

Also, if you happen to move, people are more accepting of cats than ferrets.
If you REEEAAALLYY want the cat, show her that they don't bite or scratch. But if you know what's good for you, you'll do what she wants. Not all ferrets bite or nip. But most ferrets stink. Literally, they smell kind of bad. But if you can put up with that, don't worry. Ferrets can be trained not to nip, and they won't, as long as you handle it regularly so it is used to human touch.
Wonderful question!

First, just to let you know, Ferret's are named to be the hardest pet to care for ect. They take a lot of work and cleaning ect. Their backbones(like their tail) break many times when getting out of the cage. This is dangerous, taking time to go to the vet and everything. If it were me, the Ferret wouldn't be the best idea. Ferret's will become very mean later on, bitting, strangling you ect.

Ragdolls are much cuter, easy to take care of, no worrying about injuries ect. Again, this is just my advice!!! I love cats and care for them along with my own!

Hope this information helps! Makeing the right decsion is helpful same with getting information!

These 2 sites give you more information! Hope you enjoy you'r new pet!


They both are 2 colorful site and I hope they help you!!!
A cat is a more low maintenence than the ferret. With the cat you will need basically a food bowl, a water bowl, and a litter box...

With ferret, you will need a cage and all the accessories (water bottle, food bowl, hammock, blanket, litter box or boxes, nail clippers, and a good ferret food which is not as readily available as cat food). If you do not plan of keeping it in a cage, you will have to ferret-proof a room or 2.

Ferrets are very mischevious, they hide objects, crawl up into couches and get stuck there, and basically get into everything. You can not let them near couches, recliners, stoves, refrigerators, stoves, and may other furniture and appliance items. They also chew on just about anything and have a tendency to swallow things they are not supposed top and get the object lodged in their narrow intestines, causing need for an immediate trip to the vet. There are so may more things in your house that may cause a ferret to become ill, injured, or killed.

Their smell is not bad, just a little musky, but in my opinion, is not any worse than that cat litter box smell... Sooner or later owners just get used to it.

Also keep in mind that most ferrets are very hyper. They have the personality of teething puppies and they never grow out of it. Most ferrets that I have known really don't like to be cuddled unless they are sick. They do however need attention and playtime with you. Just realize, when you 1st get the ferret it will probably bite when it plays, sometimes very hard, thats just what they do.

I am speaking from experience. I have had ferrets for years and I love them all. I'm not trying to tell you not to get the ferret, just know what you are in store for if you do. I don't want to see you get attached to it, then have to get rid of it. Some of the ferrets I have had were given to me by people who did not want them or simply could not take care of them anymore.

Also keep in mind that it is very difficult to find a vet that cares for ferrets in some areas, most regular vets do not see ferrets, you have to find an exotic animal vet. If you do decide to get the ferret, call around to a few vets 1st and see if one may be close and what hours they are open. You will also need to find a good 24-hour emergency vet clinic that sees ferrets. In an emergency, you may not be able to make it to a vet that is an hour away or wait a few days to see the exotic vet that is only at your animal hospital one day a week.

I listed a website below, they have FAQ's about ferrets and a very extensive ferret-care articles. Just please research more about ferrets if you decide to get one.

Good luck!!! 2 favorite animals!

ferrets - stink like must, but on the good side they're fun to name and have cute little faces

kittens - are just plain fun to watch...but I don't get 13 weeks old?! kittens are ready when they're 6 weeks old! and a ragdoll is wayy cute. show her a million pics of cute kittens and maybe she'll say yes xD
they actually are allot alike, they only differance is the ferret lives in a cage, if handled they love attention and love to be cuddled. just like a cat. i would go with a ferret, i want one sooo bad. i'm a cat person too but my hubby doesn't like ctas i don'y know why just doesn't so we agreed on a ferret at christmas time when we have a little more money, they don't have them at the spca here in pa they are 99-200$$. good luck, get a ferret you will fall in love i promise:)
Well we all know what pet I'm rooting for! lol I love ferrets! Cats are cool too. I had one myself. Main difference between a cat and ferret is independence. What I mean is...cats are so independent and ferrets interact A LOT more. So it depends what you are looking for as far as what attention you are able to give your pet. Cats can go with less attention then a ferret.

As far as work, cost, cleaning, and odor are concerned I find cats and ferrets to be equal. Ferrets demand a tad more attention as far as cage cleanings go. Both animals have an odor if they are not cleaned up after you will find that as far as effort of cleaning goes they are one in the same.

Hope you guys can come to an amicable decision! "GO FERRETS GO!!" Wow. Sorry. Did I just type that out loud. lol
I have had both a kitten and a ferret. The big difference between them is that a ferret NEEDS a lot of attention. The kitten will play and find something to do. So unless you are prepared to have an animal who likes to steal your shiny stuff run and hide and of course you have to be careful because they will hide in the oddest places. The kitten will occupy itself and of course needs attention but not as much as the ferret. A ferret goes into deep depression and can possibly die if it doesnt get the proper attention. Kittens do scratch but ferrets that are babys bite. As far as a better pet that is up to you but when the kitten gets a little bigger you can always get claw covers. They are little caps that go over their claws so that problem is solved. Good Luck!!
i would go with the cat. They stink alot less. Ferrets are cute, and curious but their curiosity can get them into quite a bit of trouble. They also have a tendency to steal things and hide them. So if the ferret has run of the house, you may just end up being late to work one day because the ferret stole your keys and you can't find them. Kittens are fun when they are babies but when they grow up some like to be left alone until they want attention. 2 of my cats you can't get away from and the other one you hardly ever see. So it just depends on the cat. I think ferrets are cute but they poop like cats except they dont bury it. I would go with cat all the way.
I would definately go for the kitten! I have heard that ferrets can be very smelly creatures, and are harder to care for. I feel a kitten is a more fun and special pet than a ferret. Ragdolls are so cute as well!! A kitten may be less likely to damage the apartment as well, provided you train it well when it first comes home!

Hehe...I am thinking I may have a similar situation with my bf, he likes ferrets and like love cats.

Good luck, and congratulations!

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