Thursday, July 30, 2009

Dressage training debate...please solve!?

My friend are having an arguement on how they train dressage horses their steps. She says that they tie their legs together in certain patterns to make the steps. And I say that they use another method that couldn't risk hurting their horses. Which was is correct? In other words, how do they train dressage horses those fancy steps?
I don't know, but I work with horses on a daily basis and I would think tying their legs would cause problems.
I'm sorry to say this, but your friend is dumb. They do NOT do that to train dressage horses. Dressage is all about communication between horse and rider. Those fancy steps are movements that horses can do naturally. To get the horse to do those "fancy steps" is all about leg movement and pressure - you're supposed to do everything with your legs, but using reins helps. Like one of those fancy steps where horses are trotting and moving outward (or inward) while passing their feet over each other are called leg yields. To do that, the rider looks to where they want the horse to end, hold the reins straight so the horse doesn't throw their shoulder out, and give leg pressure (the opposite leg that you want them to move - if you're moving to the outside rail, you use your inside leg). It takes a LOT of leg, but after some training, the horse gets it.
They dont tie their legs. That would just freak the horse out, not have them remember a fancy move.
for the last 6 years, I have ridden in a clinic with Andreas Hausberger from the Spanish riding school in Vienna, %26 I know for a fact they would never do something like tie their horses legs together!!!

I hope your friend didn't get that silly idea from her trainer, if she did she needs a new one right away!!!

the fancy dressage movements that horses do are taught patiently to horses (at least by good trainers). they are also movements that all horses do naturally on their own. They just learn how to do them on command, %26 with a human either on them or beside them.
No offense, but your friend isn't that bright...
That would totally freak the horse out, too the max. Dressage is something beautiful, and you don't tie the horses legs together to teach a horse the steps! You use your seat, and your legs, some rein. No one would ever do that, the horse wouldn't even be able to walk if you tied it's legs together. The trainers basically use what they have to teach the horse how to do that. It's repetitive ways, and the horse will learn it with time.
It takes muuch muuuuch time for a horse to learn all of those movements. It's not like a horse can be a level 4 in a month. It takes time and patience.
Hopefully you set your friend straight, because she is WRONG! Dressage isn't a harmful sport, it's beautiful. I'd like to see your friend ride dressage. It's not easy!
They don't tie the legs of the horse. Every movement in dressage the horse does naturally. If you spend some time out in the pasture you will see them performing the movements.

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