Thursday, July 30, 2009

Dog with reoccurring yeast infection?

the dog has a reoccurring yeast infection,but she has other health concerns as well(about 7-8 years old; going blind from cataracts;drinks water excessively which is a sign of kidney failure yet to be checked by a vet)this is her third yeast infection in less than two years.The last time she had one the vet gave her a shampoo that we put on her belly during a routine bath and it went away
now at this time the owner of the dog (dad-aka-my fiaoncee's father), is out of work and has no money (long term sick leave from work ends in 1-2 months) to take her to the vet for any of her problems, or even a routine check-up, last time she needed her nails trimmed I paid, and I would pay this time but he (the owner) has been taking all of my paycheck every week to pay for his mortgage with an agreement that he will pay me back (when he pays me back-I'm moving out)
we tried to call the vet and ask for the same med shampoo with out a visit (the med is cheap-not the visit) but the vet won't sellit
The things you are describing can also be caused by diabetes. Do you know if she's been checked for that?
You may be able to find the shampoo your vet uses on the internet, there are a lot of supply companies out there.
Good luck with her, and your future f-i-l.
She sounds very sick, not getting her some kind of medical care is criminal, quit giving the "owner" you friggin' pay check
The dog REALLY needs to see a vet.

That being said:

However, I have seen dogs with chronic or recurrent yeast infections clear up very quickly when fed a food with no corn or soy in it. These are foods like Canidae, Flint River Ranch, Innova, Eagle Pack Holistics, etc. These foods aren't cheap, but are less expensive than a low-quality 'allergy' food like Science Diet's allergy foods. Often, these skin conditions and/or ear infections are actually caused by allergies to something in the food. Other dogs have allergies to beef, lamb, or chicken. It may take veterinary attention to ascertain the source of the allergy, and a good food isn't cheap either.

Try soothing her skin with apple cider vinegar while you look for a way to pay for her vet care. Wash her with a gentle shampoo made for dogs, and spray on the vinegar. Let it dry. She'll smell a bit like a salad, but once it's dry, it's hardly noticeable. See if it helps.

Can your vet let you make payments? Use a credit card? The dog really needs to be helped from the sound of her problems. Signs of kidney failure isn't something you can fool around with and let wait. Denying her necessary care is grounds for animal cruelty charges. If it's absolutely impossible to care for her financially, you'd be better off turning her in to a shelter. She may be euthanized or she may get the care she needs, but either way, she's better off than suffering without her required care.
Yes, stop giving away your paycheck. Don't count on getting paid back.
Get a dog shampoo with Tea Tree Oil in it. It kills fungus/yeast. If the dog has kidney failure, there isn't much time and it's a lot of suffering.
this dog has poor genes: it is probably a pure bred. Yeast thrives on sugar in the blood, damp, moist conditions; put the dog on a strict diet with almost no carbohydrate; just protein, no fat, and add some small bits of green vegetable like green string beans; it needs weight loss. Daily exercise on the street and up rough slopes will trim the nails for you (and maybe trim you too :)). you can get an antifungal cream ove rthe counter in most countries: clotrimazole or similar. Maybe best to put the dog down. Sorry.
I would recommend seeing a Vet as they really are the ones who can correctly diagnose the problem.

For a natural remedy (but not a full substitute for a Vet), you can try Apple Cider Vinegar. Try giving your dog a tablespoon with her dinner. The Apple Cider Vinegar flushes out the system and does make it better. I'd recommend giving it every night for a week and then maybe once a week after that.

This method was suggested to me by a few horse people that give their horses it and it flushes them out too. I've also spoken with other people and they given Apple Cider Vinegar to their dogs every night and says it has improved the coat of their dog no end.

Anyway, you could try the Viengar (not just any vinegar though) until you can afford to go to a Vet. But try not to put off going to the Vet too long, in case their is a major problem.

Good luck

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