Thursday, July 30, 2009


did you know people cut off sheeps tails when there 3 day old?sad:(
And they shave them until they die
really i don't know that
why? awwww poor sheepie:(
good eating! jk
Ya and people cut off dogs tails, and crop the ears just so they look better. Cruel.
NO! they dont do that! I work on a farm an dno we dont do that!
Yah, poor little lambs, huh...
i didnt know that
no but good info
Around here the tails are banded and it actually is better for the sheep in the long run. Banding only hurts a few minutes, then goes numb and they can't feel a thing.
Yup they do. It's to keep their tails from getting completely crusted and infected from all the sheep poo sticking in the wool.
same as tail docking,before 4 days old they have no nerves in tails
i heard that they used to do it so that the tails wouldn't get tangled while the sheep were giving birth. it may seem mean but the purpose was so that the lambs didn't die.
i think its unfair, people do it to certain breeds of dogs. the crop their ears and tails when they are little. poor things
honey, it happens to some dogs to. its so they can shave the wool off beter. duh
Haven't you seen particular breeds of dogs that have their tails "shortened"? They do it the same way. (when they are very young) I don't see the reason for it, but nonetheless it's done! They also declaw cats when they are very young.
Aye, though it is to prevent illness from flies I thought. The short tail keeps the sheep cleaner. Same age as puppies tails and dews are clipped and docked. The dog tail docking was to declare a dog as a "pet" and was taxable by some king of England. Long tails like hunting dogs were tax exempt.Since only a few really conformed, it makes less sense that docking sheep!
your picture is nice! i know it is so disgusting!

good luck!
They dont cut them off when they are three days old. When they are born they "band" them. The put a few strong rubber bands around the tail where they want the blood flow to stop and after about 1-2 weeks the rest of the tail falls off. Its the same method of casterating bull calves. Now little piglets, they cut their tails off when they get their eye teeth pulled and their iron injections. There is a reason for all this tail docking and its not just to be mean. Sheep can get infections from built up dirt, mud and assorted other goodies under their tails and that can do damage to their reproductive abilities and pigs..well little piglets are curious little things and when kept in small enclosures have a tendency to nip and bite other little piggies tails and that causes bleeding and pain. So is just best if they are shortened right from the get go. Some small sheep farms don't bother docking tails but most do, its just healthier for the animals.

1 comment:

  1. Factory farming is usually the reason for docking - lack of husbandry and no old fashioned shepherds.
    It was working dogs not pets that had tails docked to evade the tax levied.
    There are nerves in the tail at neonatal age and they are likely to feel MORE pain as the pain pathways are open and not directionally developed.
