Thursday, July 30, 2009

Escape artist hamster?

I have this hamster which I have been rehabilitating (speaking of which I had to extend my question about how to rehabilitate a hammie, if anyone has ever done that before feel free to respond...) and when I first got him he was in a broken wire cage that you had to put a dictionary on top of to keep the top on so I understood why he was able to get out of that cage; but recently we got him a 10 gallon tank-cage and last night he got out of it! the lid was still secure and I really have no idea how he got out! He also has an amazing ability to escape from his roll-a-bout matter which ball we give him (we have three new ones) he can still get out and we can't figure out how---has anyone out there had the same experiences? Did you ever figure out how the hammie got out? Or good way to not let him out unattended? If I didn't know any better I'd think that someone was letting the hammie lose, but sometimes it happens when no one is home or everyone is sleeping! It's creepy!
ok, set up a stage and sell tickets because that sounds cool!
try asking your little brother or sister. they're probably doing it.
Put it in a fish tank. And don't let the wheel let the hamster get to the top of the cage. And maybe you shoulkd chain the lid down and lock it up. That way if the hamster still gets out then you will know that it really is an escape artist. And change its name to Harry (after the famous escape artist guy).
get an aquarium with a mesh wire lid. they are virtually escape proof and make sure you tape the lid down at night or when u r gone. That happened to my 4 gerbils and it was not good an this was a quick solution. They proball chewed a hole in the cage or in a small opening (even if it is one inch) they craweled through. With the rolling balls tape the lids and keep a close eye. They are also notorious for jumping so they may have popped the lid off.
Keep the toys/house /wheel in the middle of the cage away from the sides also tape the ball closed o.O that's what we had to do with one of our previous hams
tape the roll ball shut when in use, it loosens and the lid pops off if they run into anything, i don't recommend the aquarium because it breeds bacteria, they need open air flow, crittertrail, latch the front door shut they can get out thru any opening, but mine do not escape unless its thru the front door left unlocked.

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