Thursday, July 30, 2009

English thing?

When people are making fun of English people they say 'ello guvna! what is that second really supposed to be??
Originally back in Victorian times it was used by poorer people in England to speak to people who were of higher social status then they were.

They were saying "Hello, Governer." It is related to people in the U.S.A. saying, "Hello Sir or Madame."
It's from a commercial so now everyone keeps repeating it. Well not everyone but you know what i mean.
It is sooooo old that saying! Can't they just say Hi or even Wassup!
guvna = governor
It's saying hello governor ,,,, It's simply because the english are so inept at speaking their own language that it comes out that way ,,,,
Guvna = Governor, don't listen to the undereducated guess from Yoda, the English speak their native language very well, it's a shame that colonials can't quite grasp the basics.

This particular version comes from the East end of London is now used as a generic greeting, Sir is just to formal, so when speaking to a man, Guv, or Governor is used, same as luv is used when talking to a woman.
it means govenor(s/p)

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