Friday, July 31, 2009

Ferret Question?

My parents are against the idea of me wanting to get a ferret. They use the old " THEY STINK SO BAD " thing and I know they do stink but I beleive that if I empty its litterbox each day and whipe its cage down that it won't stink as bad. How bad DO they really stink? Thanks.
I believe you should fully research a ferret before you get too fixated on one (and Ferrets for Dummies is a great place to start). But lecture about the massive responsibility and commitment a ferret poses aside...

*All* animals smell if you don't care for them properly.

To reiterate and reinforce some of the above answers...

Pretty much all ferrets sold in pet stores have already been altered (neutered/spayed) and descented, and if you're a first-time ferret owner, I wouldn't recommend getting one that hasn't been altered or descented.

Most of the ferret odor comes from their poop and their habitat. You need to clean the litter box *daily.* Also, you need to wash their bedding frequently. Know their out-of-cage potty spots as well. There could be stink emanating from some hidden spot.

No matter what you hear about bathing ferrets, do NOT bathe a ferret any more than once a month - some people only bathe them twice a year. What happens when you over-bathe a ferret is that their body works overtime to replenish the natural (musky) oils that you're washing away and results in a smellier ferret. It also results in a ferret with a dry coat and skin which makes them itch more.

Bi-Odor (made by Marshall, you squirt a little into their water) also works, but really isn't necessary if you feed your ferret quality ferret kibble. (FYI - Marshall food, besides not being the best nutritionally, makes for smellier poop.)

Ferrets do have a natural musk about them - even the descented ones. But it's not an overwhelming smell, just a distinct one. Most ferret owners don't mind or even like the smell. (I am among the likers.) In my opinion, a cat box or a dog that's been rolling around in trash (like dogs do) smell worse than a ferret.

The smell of a ferret never goes away. There's nothing you can do to make it magically disappear. But there are things you can do to keep the smell manageable.

I have two ferrets and there is no way that you can tell they live there when you walk into the door.
You are correct. If you keep the cage clean, the odor is far from overwhelming. Keep in mind, ferrets do have a natural 'musky' smell to them, but it's really nothing, unless you have quite a sensitive sense of smell.
I have a ferret. If you change the bedding weekly or more. I use towels so they can just be washed and put back and its cheaper that way. I clean the litter box in the morning when I get up and in the evening when I go to bed. Another thing..females in my past experience do not have as strong of a musky odor as the males. Stay away from the Marshall's Ferret Food. The ingredients in it has alot of fish products so it will make the ferret poo really stink. I know because I use it LOL I started my ferret on it as a baby and he refuses anything else but seen other ferrets on other brands and its really a difference. The also poo less. If you get one I would suggest checking to see if there is a ferret rescue in your area. Its sad when you see how many have been dumped by their owners. I wish you luck and hope you know what you are getting into as far as how a ferret is as a pet.
well amy,my dad says the same thing.but my friend has one so thats how i know this. if you clean its cage every day and get its sent glandes taken out it does not smell so also helps it you spray febreeze.(you can also tell them that you will keep your door always shut) i hope you get one ;)
you actually get used to it and dont smell them after a while. haha. the only complaints my parents had when i had ferrets were: they steal the insoles of his shoes and chewed up the buttons on the remote controls. you can also potty train them.
you're right!! one is cleaner and better for starters so you can use that argument. also females are cleaner and less stinky then males. cleaning their litterbox each day helps, and cleaning their cage occasionaoly helps. and only bathe the ferret once a month at the least, or else, it will smell more.

there are also many ferret-friendly products that help cut down on their smell that you can try.
i have a ferret and don't worry, my dad thinks she smelles too. i don't though. they don't smell as bad as you would think.
trust me, and good luck!!
They really don't stink much if you keep the cage, litterbox and bedding clean. The thing about ferrets is that they need lots (and I mean LOTS) of attention. There are also some habits you should know about (well, your parents should know about) so you don't adopt one and end up taking it to a shelter because you didn't know beforehand.

Ferrets like to dig. That could be in your plants, your carpet, clothes, etc. They can really tear up carpet.

Ferrets like to steal things, including food and hide them. Which means that your ferret could have a huge stash of food somewhere, or a stash of your socks, your name it.

Ferrets are not always good about using the litterbox outside of the cage. Which means that you'll have to be really watchful for the signs that they need to go, or they'll poop where they stand.

Ferrets can also be expensive as far as health bills. They need a yearly checkup with shots (rabies %26 distemper at least) and they are prone to certain cancers and other diseases. They also like to chew on things and may swallow objects that may require vet assistance. Your parents need to be willing to take the ferret to the vet and pay for treatment.

Ferrets are a lot of work, but they are also a lot of fun. But you and your parents need to be fully aware of all the good and the bad before deciding whether a ferret is a good pet for your family.
Yes they do stink and the more you have the more they stink. But there are steps to take to limit the amount of smell. Like you said taking care of the cage is very important. Also your going have to bath the ferret once a month (try not to do it more than that because it will cause dry skin) if you let the ferret roam around the house (which is required for at least one hour a day) make sure you watch him/her very closly and clean up any accidents they have emidiatly. I use a product called Natures miracle just for ferrets. It works great, its safe for them and it prevents them from popping back in that spot because it removes the odor thats left behind. (they sell it in almost every pet store and online ~ has good prices on their products). Generally if your keep your ferrets hygene at its best the smell is barly noticable and if you like you can rub a small amount of lavender oil on the ferret after their bath, not only does it help with the smell it also keeps mosiqitos from biting.

Good luck with everything and even though keepin ga ferret a lot of work the rewards are tremendous.

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