Monday, May 24, 2010

Hamster needs attention---not ready to give up on my man?

My fiaoncee has always loved having hamsters as pets, to this day...he does well with the dog and the cat, and although he never wanted to clean the fish bowl by himself, he always cleaned it when I helped him and he never failed to feed I didn't think twice when he asked for a hamster-in fact we both got one, mine is thriving however he never plays with his. I have to remind him to feed it and he only cleans it's cage when I am cleaning my hammie's cage and offer to help him with a result of this his hamster is fat from lack of exercise, and his hammie used to, from day one, run into our hands whether or not we had a treat because he liked being held now he is so neglected he hides from us where we can't reach him-he's scared of us...I told him if he doesn't take an interest then I'll rehabilitate the hamster myself and then put him up for adoption...soon I'll be moving out the cat and my hammie are coming with me
What should i do about him and his; I'm not sure
I think you know the answer. Whatever you do, do NOT leave this poor little guy in the hands of someone who's proven he won't take care of him. Rehabilitate the little guy yourself and then either keep him or find a good home for him.

Is there any way that the hamsters can live together in the same cage? Most animals are happier with company.

Good luck.
Why are you moving out if hes your fiancee?

Start playing with him now, if you guys got married the pets would belong to you both equally with equal responsibilty.

Keep the ham as a parting gift. With a little effort he will come around. Put the cages near one another so they can interract and make him get in the wheel and the little ball thingy.
If he is not willing to take care of his pet, then you should take care of this animal in the meantime until you can find it a better home, if you don't want to keep it.

It's obvious he's not good with this kind of responsibility (whether intentional or unintentional), but there is no reason why the hamster should be uncared for. Play with the little guy, and offer to take him with you when you leave.

You should really have a sit-down with your fiance` and explain to him exactly how you feel, and try to find out if he really wants this animal or not.

Definitely handle the animal more, since it seems like the lack of socialization is affecting it's behavior as well.
tell him u won't play with his hamster unless he plays with his. sometimmes u gotta be cruel to be kind. haha.

well anyway on a more serious note yes I would try that but, if he's truely completely careless i would put some ads up on or some place local and try to find the right person or family for the little guy. Hamsters make great pets for children or anybody really. : )

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