Monday, May 24, 2010

Hamster Help!?

My hamster keeps throwing up!
Is this normal?
Are you sure you aren't seeing the hamster emptying food and other items out of its cheek pouches? Hamsters, as rodents, are incapable of throwing up. This is why rat poison works so well on them. Once they ingest it, there is no possible way for them to get it out of their system. It's also why you don't need to fast a rodent before surgery - even if the anesthesia makes them naseuous, they can't vomit and aspirate themselves. I would guess you are seeing your hamster removing food from it's cheek pouches, and this is nothing to worry about. If you are worried there is something wrong with your hamster, take it to a veterinarian.
Absolutely NOT!
I have 15 Dwarf hamsters. Sometimes it looks like they are throwing up but it is just food that they have kept stored in their cheeks. The food is always dry and it looks like it just came out of the food bowl. They often do this when I first pick one up. If it something more I would suggest a vet. Good luck
no this is not normal

when you say he is throwing up is he actually sick wet sick

or is it dry food,

you do know hamsters pouch food dont you

if he is being sick you must take him to the vets with some of the sick, the vet will need to see what he is bringing up

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