Monday, May 24, 2010

Hamster health?

i have a pet hamster and i read that both cedar and yellow pine shavings are hazardous to your pet's health. what wood shavings should i use? i am in an area where basically just pine and cedar are available.
thank you for answering this question
There are debates about the use of pine. Some say it must be kiln dried to burn off the fumes. However there isn't any scientific or anecdotal evidence that pine is bad. Some animals are allergic to it but not all. Cedar is also supposed to be OK but in the small confined spaces most pocket pets are kept their owners worry about the concentration of fumes. Most won't use cedar. I've used pine mixed with aspen in pup tanks with no ill affects. I also like to use hay. The animals love to eat it and nest in it. I like the fragrance and deodorizing affect.
i had a hampster
Check your local pet store for ''Carefresh'' or corn cob bedding. Those are the healthier options.

I use corn cob with my rats. It works better than any wood shavings I've used.

You can also look into ''Feline Pine'' cat litter, or bird bedding, if you cannot find bedding for small animals, other than the wood shavings.
When I bought my Chinese Dwarf Hamster, I think they told me to buy Aspen wood shavings.(I know you said that only Pine and Cedar are avaliable)..I think they said never to get pine. I don't know why, though...
Kiln-dried pine is fine. I've raised all kinds of rodents from mice to rabbits and never had a problem with upper respiratory problems in any of them using the pine. I get mine from Agway and I currently use it for my guinea pigs. If there is an Agway near you, I'd recommend it. The carefresh and other recycled bedding is fine for them healthwise but it gets very expensive.
I used cedar shavings and my hamster lived for three years with no problems.
ya i heared that to but i use pine and my hamsters are as healthy and old as ever :)
I use Carefresh for my hamster and he loves it! It comes in many different colors. If they don't have it near you, you can always order it online.

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