Saturday, May 22, 2010

Guinea pig?

my guinea pigs are shy how do i make them wanna play and run around?
Like many small pets guinea pigs tend to be more active during evening and night time hours. Try playing with them during these hours and see if there are any changes in how active they are.

Guinea pigs can also be very docile and shy by nature. Make sure that they have plenty of toys and stimulation around to help arouse their curiousity.

If they are extremely sluggish, you may want to take note of their eating habits, and call your veterinarian to discuss having them brought in.

Hope this helps!
go at them with a fork.
give them chocolate, lol. It works for my kids.

omg, i was joking...of course not chocolate! I would ask the vet if appropriate snacks and toys didnt work.
mini cow tazers =]

~*free tibet and chinese occupation*~
Maybe they're not shy, they're probably lazy or unactive.
offer them a snack that they like. use the snack as a temptation to come to your hand. do it when the surroundings are quiet and calm. I use to use carrots. they have to be re-assured that you won't let anything happen to them. they need to feel safe and secure.
carrots are good and so are most yummy treats found at the pet store...does he have any fun toys? like a roll-about ball, they have those made big enough for guinea pigs mine seemed to like it, mine also seemed to like those bell-in-ball cat toys that jingle when you roll them; but my guinea pig was to your pet store manager or just walk down the aisle and see what you think is cool
i had a guinea pig that went crazy for oranges
My guinea Pigs were really shy when we got them. what i did with the was spend about 20 minutes with them each day sitting my there cage and talking to them, petting them and feeding them, but not [icking them up for a bout a week. the next week i would start talking to them feed them, pet them and pick them up and put them in my lap. now they always want my attention. theyre so cute!!
I recently just got a guinea pig and she is also very shy. What I do is I let her out of her cage in the evenings and let her run around, every once and awhile she'll come see what I'm up too. Sometimes I'll lay there with my eyes closed pretending I'm sleeping (she's less scared when I'm sleeping rather than awake) she'll come over and stare at me and smell me, it gets her use to me.I also hand feed her Timothy hay (it's her favorite). She's still a little skittish but she becoming less shy each day.
give it a large sunny space to run around

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