Sunday, August 2, 2009

Gave Hermit Crabs a bath and three legs fell off! Will he die or be ok?

I have had my hermit crabs for a while in the same habitat humid, warm, food, salt and fresh water. Well today I was giving them a bath and I stressed out one of them I think . I think the water was too hot cause they both tried bookin it out of there. I took one out and before I could get to the other one he dropped 3 legs. Is he gonna be OK I'm freaking out? Did I cook my crab? I've been reading other answers and some say they will die and others say they will grow back and live. Anyone than knows for sure please help! In how many days will I know for sure?
I'm going to ditto all those answers.

They fall off all the time,and they do grow back. I have a saltwater crab called an Electric blue hermit that eats its legs. lol. Don't worry. he'll be fine. Its the nature of the beast (So to speak.)

At first a "gel limb" forms which starts out as a little bud or bump, then develops over the course of a few molts into a new leg (or claw), though it may be smaller than the original. Your crab may undergo more frequent molts until the limb is regenerated.

anything can cause the legs to fall off. Just make sure his needs are met, you keep him on appropriate bedding, make sure no bugs or mites are around... and you're fine. in fact, it will be interesting to watch the regrowth process and molting until the new leg is just right.

when it comes to bathing, Your hermit crab will bathe itself if you provide it with fresh water (no chlorine) in its bowl or seawater in a separate bowl,

but it is still a good idea to bath your hermit crab once or twice a week. Simply submerge your hermit crab in room temperature water and allow it to air dry. It's easy and will help keep your hermit crab happy and healthy.
he'll be fine. they'll grow back eventually
hill be okay! i like your picture!

good luck!
Crustaceans lose legs in the wild all the time. They should grow back! As for the bath, all you need to do is fill a pan with a tiny bit of cool water and put them in. Let them walk around in it to clean off. I would be gentle next time and try not to use hot water. Sorry this happened, but they should be ok. Good Luck
well ur lucky ,crustations(crabs ,lobsters...etc.) there lost limbs even EYES will grow back !!! keep the water room temp! next time
He is molting

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