Sunday, August 2, 2009

For pet sitters...?

Can you tell me the very first steps for starting a small pet sitting business...currently reading 'Pet Sitting for Profit'. It would be small and I would be the only one working it. I'm wondering if I did have the business and I became ill, who would take my place for my clients? If you have any information or advice, please include it. Thank you.
I have a small petsitting business in my neighborhood. I tried putting out flyers--but those weren't very effective. The way I got the clients I have is just through meeting them. People want to trust the people they have watching their pets. If you cant do it because you're sick or something, there is usually someone else in the neighborhood that would be willing to help. I think the key is just to get to know people.
You should put flyers out for volunteers. You can ask businesses if you can put them in there store and hang things up.
1. Get some people to join it
2. Pick a place and time to meet
3. Be creative and make bright signs to advertise
4. Show a parent that you are responceable enough to have a phone with a different number

Good luck and if I see your signs I'll call u to pet sit!
the first step would be to get your house set up for pets.. you have to decide if they would be kept indoor.. outdoors.. in cages... some owners are very picky... I own my own dog grooming business.. but also do pet sitting ( boarding)
If I get sick no one is here to take my place... you just have to do it sick.

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